Webinar: How to choose the best electronic signing solution for your organization

Watch this live webinar and learn to compare e-signing solutions like a pro.

  • Date: Wednesday 3 June 2020

  • Time: 1000 CEST

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How to navigate the electronic signing solution jungle?

Are you considering implementing a system for electronic signatures and want to avoid the most topical pitfalls?  

Finding the right solution for your organization requires much more than just comparing the prices. You need to understand the use cases for electronic signing in your organization, know the electronic signature volumes, evaluate the needed level of identity assurance and so on. 
Join our webinar, hosted by Signicat’s top e-signing expert John Erik Setsaas, to learn how to prioritize your needs and how to find a solution that is the best match with your needs. 

  1. Learn how to map your needs for electronic signatures
  2. Get an introduction to verified electronic signature
  3. Gain a better understanding of the different solutions

Choosing the right approach for electronic signing for your organization requires understanding and considering several aspects of electronic signatures. Trust is at the core of these considerations, and is the underlying element in signatures as well.

Our customers include

Societe General
Saxo Bank
Schibsted Media Group
Konica Minolta
Statens Pensjonskasse